Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Blessings and Encouragement in the mail

We have been getting our fair share of snow this winter. This makes for lots of time to dream about sunshine and do the "office work" side of the preparation for Sea to Sea. Over the last few weeks we have sent out over 100 letters to friends and family asking for their support and prayer for the tour. It has been exciting to check the mailbox each day to see notes of encouragement, financial support, and many people excited about the tour. It has been a blessing to see so many people passionate about the issues of poverty and making a difference. We are blessed through this response and feel encouraged. This is especially helpful during the long Michigan Winter nights when the most exciting thing may just be the next weather report. This being said, it makes one grateful for the blessing of shelter and heat, the simple things that many live without on a daily basis. Hopefully Sea to Sea will help raise awareness and make changes for people that may not be so fortunate.

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