Sunday, August 3, 2008

Golden Toilets and Crazy Drivers

We are on the 2 week countdown. We spent our weekend in the saddle. We first went to Calvin College for a training session related to bike safety. We started riding at 7:00am and was actually a little cool. Made me think of the riders on the tour who have left before that time in the 100 degree heat. We recieved our trining with a dozen others related to overall safety of road riding. This came in handy as on the way home, several drivers, thought that a one foot clearance was adequate at 45mph.

Saturday 8/2 Stats:
Miles: 26
Interesting sites of the day: Jake Prins tie die socks. He is 81 years old and riding the tour! I too want to be wearing tie die when I am 81.
Quote of the day: "What do you use for butt relief?" (Answer: I concoction of noxzema and neosporin in case you are wondering)

Sunday after church we decided to ride again. We rode down to the 5/3 ball park, home of the Sea to Sea Rally in Grand Rapids! We took a series of detours and rode along the Grand River in the shade. It is a good day when you can ride in the shade.
Sunday stats:
Miles: 40
Interesting sites of the day: An RV with a dog barking incessantly at us as they follwoed us for a mile.
Quote of the day: "I have to use the bathroom."....."No problem, you can use the 5 star potty right here" (We like to frequent the Amway Grand's bathrooms when we are downtown:-)