Monday, August 25, 2008

Sometimes you need an alternate mode of transportation

Todays miles: 83.61 Avg Speed: 15.4

Today we crossed back over the border to New York State. We rode with David Teitsma all day. We were able to ride over the border without even stopping due to being precleared. If only it were that simple all the time. Today we rode at a relaxing pace and enjoyed conversations and playing around. At one point Marijo got tired and wanted to try something different.

I prefer to travel in Smarter ways:

Then David and I decided to try a different mode that was more versatile in the mud.

But you can never beat the old motorcycle for getting it done.

All in all a great day. I hope you enjoy the photos and the fun. We are having a great time.


Beek's Fam said...

James-I'd like to see you get into the tiny car! :)
Glad to hear that things are continuing to go well for everyone. Sure do enjoy reading your blog!
James and Julie Overbeek

Anonymous said...

James- maybe you could build one of those for Marijo for your next big project. It looks like you're having a good time. Enjoy the rest of you're week!
-Kim Stoub

Anonymous said...

Begin with a really tight action on the mover handle, which would help the trailer (as in, the two huge boxes at the back) move with less drag and scratching on the tires.Tandem Trailers